About walking and thinking.

The city where I live it´s not that big, and that is a good thing. Because I can walk to any place I want, but risking my own life because the danger is everywhere and I am talking about a Venezuelan city, one of the most dangerous in the national countdown in that subject. But walking in my city had one big positive thing; I can think very clearly what I am going to write in my blog, I can’t do the same thing while using the bus, every kilometer and every stop somebody comes and tell their tragedy and asking for money .

I was thinking to write again about what used to be a very big geek convention that returned to our country, since they announce the price of the tickets, the date and where they going to make it. Naturally in the capital, but a second opinion about that I think that topic is already wasted and I have nothing more to say about that return.  Every one of the geek world isn´t talking about that convention right now, well that announce created more drama and now, only one person wrote about that,  but boy oh boy, even the queen of the convention in Venezuela escape.

 And the benefit of that is I wanted to write another lines in English, because I have to be honest, I feel like I am not writing so much in this section and I want to have more articles, more visitors from other countries, visits from Ireland are increasing again, the only plus of walking around my city is I am losing weight and I fear the fee of the public transporting is going to be so high one day that everyone is going to walk again or using other ways of transportation.